Saturday, December 20, 2014

Pomegranate Smoothies

2 cleaned pomegranates
1 cup ice cubes
1/2 c rasberry sorbet
 blend together till smooth and enjoy!

4 cups frozen strawberries whole
1 cup pomegranate juice
1/2 cup water
1/2 cup Sparkling grape juice
blend until smooth

Monday, December 1, 2014

So I had a few friends over to test my food on them. One of the sides I had, ended up being bad when I opened the package... So I had to quickly come up with another side to make up for it. Weirdly enough it was the best dish on the table that night. A big success and was the first thing to go. I just took Swai Fish and put salt, sesame oil, red curry paste, mushrooms, and green onions on it. mmmmmm :P

Baked Swai

1tsp. salt
1Tbsp sesame oil
red curry paste (just enough to color the top of the fish)
chopped mushrooms and green onions for garnish :) took about two mushrooms 1 1/2 green onions

pat salt and sesame oil onto outside of fish with your hands(make sure they're cleeean) brush curry paste on with a fork... not too much or it ends up being too salty, just enough to color the top maybe a tad more. top with mushrooms and green onions. :) Lay fish on a baking sheet and bake at 375 degrees for about 20 min then broil on high for 1 min to brown the top. Fantastico!!!!
